An Arranged Marriage

Nobody asked me if I wanted to marry Mr. Parkinson and join my life to his “till death do us part.”

But, as with all marriages, you learn to adjust and what outsiders criticize becomes irrelevant to your marriage as you work around each others’ weaknesses.

I have learned to adjust my activities to accommodate Mr. Parkinson’s rhythms. And Mr. Parkinson has taught me a lot about patience and acceptance.

I have learned to scan the ground when I walk in nature to avoid the snares of roots and potholes. In doing so, I have discovered treasures of nature: seeds, insect wings, salamanders, beautifully formed rocks.

And I have learned to walk carefully in order not to fall and to appreciate the help of others if I do.

I also reap rewards of character: a kind note from someone I never especially liked, a willingness to abandon my fierce independence and lean on others, an inclination—not always acted upon—to be more open to others.

My realization of God may be imperfect, but I pray that these rewards are a first step and that this forced marriage may prove a blessing.


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